The girls decided that Savana would make some lip gloss first - PURPLE - that way Bailey could observe and then make her own WITHOUT the help of mummy!
The instructions are very well written and the girls were able to follow them alongside the diagram. The box does say 7+ and we agree that a child of that age could quite easily create their own lip gloss without much adult intervention.
An opportunity to make three different colours was welcomed by the girls but they did find that they did have some mixture and the pearlescent powder and LOTS of colouring left over which frustrated them especially as the instructions offer 4 colours to make but only enough lip gloss bottles for 3. Luckily the girls enjoyed making one each and were happy to share making the last lip gloss between them.
So overall what do they girls think?
Bailey (7) love the smell, should be more bottles, mmmmmmmm not so sure about the feel and taste though? and it is very greasy
Savana (4) love the smell love it ! Savana was particularly funny when applying her lip gloss - mouth open wide and then the lips did not move - in case the lip gloss came off.
Both the girls agree it is good value for money at £5.99 and would make another great sleepover gift or stocking filler for xmas and give this a score of 4 out of 5.
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